Read My Palm

The pandemic has stirred up a lot of feelings. Is this the end of the world? We certainly hope not. But what lies ahead instead? With that in mind, we commissioned a handful of poets to give their predictions of the future. Using the ancient art of palm-reading as our muse, we asked each poet to create a poem of five lines or five stanzas — be it a traditional form like a tanka or a form which they’ve devised all on their own — and to make a prophesy. What will tomorrow bring? What can we expect from 2021 and beyond? Is this the dawning of a new age and what might that new era look like? Each week we heard (and saw) answers in verse via our Read My Palm reading series on Instagram live.

Readings took place every Thursday evening at 6pm from Jan. 14, 2021 through Feb. 11, 2021. Featured poets are listed below. (Click on name to watch the video.):

Follow us at Saint Flashlight on Instagram to keep abreast of future projects.

(This series of events is funded in part by Poets & Writers through public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.)

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